The United States Agency for International Development, the Department for International Development and the government of Malawi, through the MoEST, are collaborating to implement a National...
Day-by-day teacher’s guide (180 pages, low-resolution PDF). Companion to Kiswahili Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi, 2 [Kiswahili Pupil’s Book, 2]. Prepared with funding from the USAID and DFID Tusome Early...
Day-by-day pupils' activity book in Kiswahili. Prepared with funding from the USAID and DFID Tusome Early Grade Reading Activity, implemented by MoEST with technical assistance from RTI...
Day-by-day Grade 1 Teacher's Guide in Kiswahili. Companion to Kiswahili Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi, 1 [Kiswahili Pupil’s Book, 1]. Prepared with funding from the USAID and DFID Tusome Early Grade...
Day-by-day pupil's activity book. Companion to Kiswahili Teacher's Guide, Grade 2. Prepared with funding from the USAID and DFID Tusome Early Grade Reading Activity, implemented by MoEST with...
Primary 2 Lugwere Pupil Book developed by National Curriculum Development Center with support from RTI through USAID and the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program. This and other...
Primary 2 Lhukonzo Pupil Book developed by National Curriculum Development Center with support from RTI through USAID and the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program. This and other...
Primary 2 Ngakarimojong Pupil Book developed by National Curriculum Development Center with support from RTI through USAID and the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program. This and other...
Primary 2 Lusoga Teacher's Guide developed by National Curriculum Development Center with support from RTI through USAID and the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program. This and other...
Buku ini berisi materi literasi di sekolah dasar, tetapi juga berisi ide-ide tentang bagaimana dosen dapat menggunakannya dalam kuliah. Ide-ide praktis dilengkapi dengan referensi teori terbaru,...