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Why Benchmarks Matter

June, 2022
Setting benchmarks or standards that clearly state expectations about how well students or teachers should be performing on various skills at each stage of education and then collecting data to...

Integrating inclusion and equity into programming: lessons from Read Liberia

June, 2022
In its programs, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) attempts to address inclusion and equality issues that are not limited to education but that relate to all...

Supporting children to learn during forced school closures: Lessons from Read Liberia

June, 2022
In Liberia, as elsewhere around the world, recent school closures disrupted learning for all students. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have exacerbated pre-existing education inequality,...

Using radio to promote learning in Liberia during COVID-19

June, 2022
Liberian public schools closed in March 2020, and the MOE Teach by Radio program ran from March 30 through June 30, 2020. Drawing upon its existing materials, Read Liberia developed and recorded a...

Read Liberia's use of technology

June, 2022
This material discusses the various technological innovations the USAID/Read Liberia Activity employed for data collection, teacher training, assessment, coaching and even virtual support to...

Using non-monetary incentives to motivate schools and teachers: innovation from Read Liberia

June, 2022
Motivated teachers are vital for successful and effective classroom instruction. They show up consistently and inspire and engage their students. Enthusiastic teachers assess students’ abilities,...

What Works to Improve Learning at Scale? Key Findings from Learning at Scale and the Kenya Tusome Early Grade Reading Activity

May, 2022
This brief presents findings on what worked to improve learning outcomes at scale under 8 successful early grade literacy programs, with a focus on findings from the Tusome program in Kenya.1...

LET’S LIVE IN HARMONY (LLH) - Jordan Early Grade Reading and Math Program (RAMP)

May, 2022
Between June 2021, and May 2022, RAMP, in coordination with the Ministry of Education (MOE) and in collaboration with INTEGRATED, implemented the Let’s Live in Harmony (LLH) pilot program based on...

Linking EGRA and GALA for Sustainable Benchmarking [CIES Presentation]

April, 2022
Prior Early Grade Reading Assessments (EGRA) have been used to set reading fluency benchmarks in Tanzania for USAID report and for the Government of Tanzania (GoT). Since the EGRA requires...

A Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Framework for Technology-Supported Remote Trainings [CIES Presentation]

April, 2022
Existing research on the uptake of technologies for adult learning in the global South is often focused on the use of technology to reinforce in-person learning activities and too often involves...
