Este es un libreto de trabajo (workbook) para maestros sobre Fondos del Conocimiento (Funds of Knowledge) aplicado en el aula. Este libreto de trabajo fue elaborado por el equipo técnico del...
Esta es una guía informativa para maestros sobre el Marco Universal de Competencias (Global Proficiency Framework - GPF, por sus siglas en inglés). La guía informa sobre este parámetro de...
Esta es una guía informativa para maestros sobre el Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje (DUA). El término DUA alude a un marco científicamente válido para guiar la práctica educativa que: a)...
Esta es una guía informativa para maestros sobre Fondos del Conocimiento y su aplicación en el aula. Los Fondos del Conocimiento hacen referencia al cúmulo de habilidades, experiencias y...
This presentation summarizes the achievements, challenges, and recommendations from previous studies conducted as part of the Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program. These studies focused on...
The ability of citizens to think critically and take a well-considered position in life is influenced by their ability to read with comprehension and by the content of what they read. WordCalc is...
Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Pre-school and School Education (MoPSE) has embarked upon an ambitious reform agenda to bring the Uzbek public education system in line with twenty-first century...
This presentation focuses on the development of eLearning modules for continuous teacher professional development (TPD) in Uzbekistan, specifically targeting English language instruction in grades...
he Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include a commitment to ensure that by 2030, all girls and boys complete free, equitable, and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant...
This presentation summarizes the achievements, challenges, and recommendations from previous studies conducted as part of the Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program. These studies focused on...