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Primary 3 Leblango Teacher's Guide

January, 2014
Primary 3 Leblango Teacher's Guide developed by National Curriculum Development Center with support from RTI through USAID and the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program. This and other...

USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program Cluster 1 Follow up 1: Ateso, Leblango, Luganda and Runyankore/Rukiga

January, 2014
To what extent did the Uganda School Health and Reading Program interventions1 improve early grade reading and the teaching of early grade reading in USAID/Uganda-supported primary schools over...

Turkey's FATIH project: A plan to conquer the digital divide or a technological leap of faith? [English]

December, 2013
Turkey is embarking on one of the world’s largest educational technology projects: putting tablet computers in the hands of every student from grade 5 to 12, and interactive whiteboards in every...

Turkey's FATIH project: A plan to conquer the digital divide or a technological leap of faith? [Arabic]

December, 2013
Turkey is embarking on one of the world’s largest educational technology projects: putting tablet computers in the hands of every student from grade 5 to 12, and interactive whiteboards in every...

Actionable Data for a More Literate World: Using large-scale assessment to improve results

December, 2013
This presentation, delivered at the MENA region All Children Reading workshop in Rabat, provides an overview of results to date in the region and introduces the early grade reading barometer.

Local languages and literacy in the Philippines: Implications for early grade reading instruction and assessment

December, 2013
The author reviewed Philippine and international journals and textbooks related to language, education, and reading; publications written or commissioned by organizations known for work in...

Learning Outcomes Research and Assessment -Related Projects

December, 2013
EdData II, sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), provided survey expertise to help national and local governments as well as the donor community assess...

READ TA Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Baseline Assessment Report

December, 2013
Beginning in Spring 2013, MOE, in collaboration with READ TA, began the process of developing new reading curriculum and materials for MT reading in grades 1-8 by first reviewing and validating...

Pre-Service Teacher Education Programs at Colleges of Teacher Education in Ethiopia (A READ-TA Baseline Assessment)

December, 2013
Beginning in Spring 2013, MOE, in collaboration with READ TA, began the process of developing new reading curriculum and materials for MT reading in grades 1-8 by first reviewing and validating...

Early Primary Mathematics Education in Arab Countries of the Middle East and North Africa

December, 2013
MENA countries are facing significant challenges in providing access to quality education for children in the early grades. However, it is important to note that the situation in the MENA region...
