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UEEP Success Story #3: Guess What: Learning English Becomes Easy in Uzbekistan (UEEP)

September, 2021
The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID’s) Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program is supporting the Ministry of Public Education to update its English as a Foreign...

UEEP Success Story #2: U.S. Assistance with Student Standards Renews Teachers’ Optimism

October, 2020
The Government of Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Public Education embarked on an ambitious set of education reforms within the general secondary education system that covers grades 1 to 11. Among these...

Student Learning Standards Curriculum Product Brief

September, 2020
Student Learning Standards Curriculum Product Brief

Scope and Sequence Curriculum Product Brief

September, 2020
Scope and Sequence Curriculum Product Brief

Student Textbook -Curriculum Product Brief

September, 2020
Student Textbook -Curriculum Product Brief

Teacher Guide - Curriculum Product Brief

September, 2020
Teacher Guide -Curriculum Product Brief

Teacher Standards - Curriculum Product Brief

September, 2020
Teacher Standards Curriculum Product Brief

UEEP Success Story #1: Co-Creation Workshop Enhances Program Start Up in Uzbekistan [UEEP]

February, 2020
This success story outlines the co-creation process for the Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program in From February 2020. RTI held a collaborative, interactive Co-Development Workshop to 1)...

Inclusive Education Screening Tool and Pilot Activity – Desk Review

February, 2019
Children with disabilities are less likely to be enrolled in school in low- and middle-income countries in Asia and beyond. Further, in most school systems in these countries, children with...
