ICT Endline Assessment

This information and communication technology (ICT) assessment measured the
competency of 1,244 grade 9, 10, and 11 students from the beginning to the end of the
2022–2023 school year in two regions. This longitudinal study measured the impact of
student learning outcomes over the course of a year. The U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program conducted a baseline
assessment at the beginning of the school year in September 2022 and an endline
assessment at the end of the school year in May 2023. These assessments included a
knowledge examination of the content of newly introduced ICT standards and textbooks. The
examination was based on standards and proficiency was defined as 78%, 79%, and 77%
correct responses in the assessment for grades 9, 10, and 11 respectively by the subject
matter specialists in ICT. Additionally, to better measure the progress during the early years
of implementation of the new curriculum, the Program also set intermediate proficiency
levels at 50%, 40%, and 40% for grades 9, 10, and 11 respectively.