Senegal RELIT Histoires de Réussite: 2023 (FRE)

Ces Success Stories ont été préparées par l'équipe du projet Renforcement de la Lecture Initiale pour Tous de l'USAID au Sénégal en 2023. SS05 '"Compréhension à l’audition et enthousiasme des élèves de CI : les premières semaines de classes de lecture en pulaar renforcent la motivation de l’enseignante Fatoumata Sané" donne l'éxperience d'une enseignante en Pulaar qui utilise les materiaux RELIT. SS07 « La co-création avec le ministère de l'Éducation aboutit à des plans de développement des capacités pour préparer le personnel à fournir aux enfants du Sénégal une éducation bilingue de haute qualité » décrit le processus collaboratif de développement des capacités du ministère à fournir une éducation bilingue durable et de haute qualité et SS08 « La cartographie linguistique de plus de 1 000 écoles renforce la capacité du personnel du ministère de l'Éducation à soutenir durablement la mise en œuvre de l'enseignement bilingue au Sénégal » décrit comment le dialogue avec les communautés a permis d'identifier laquelle des langues locales convenait le mieux à l'enseignement en classe.

Senegal RELIT project Success Stories: 2023 (ENG)

These Success Stories were prepared by the project team for the USAID Renforcement de la Lecture Initiale pour Tous program in Senegal in Calendar year 2023. SS005: "Improved listening comprehension in Pulaar garners enthusiasm from Grade 1 pupils and their teacher Mme Sané" SS011 " At the El Hadj Oumar Aidara school in Kédougou, student reading achievement in grade 1 is a milestone in adoption of bilingual education" and SS006: "RELIT helps students in remote areas of Senegal learn to read through effective early grade bilingual instruction" describe teachers' experiences using the newly-introduced RELIT materials in their classrooms. SS07 "Co-creation with the Ministry of Education results in capacity development plans to prepare personnel to provide Senegal’s children with high-quality bilingual education" describes the collaborative process of developing ministry capacity to provide sustainable and high quality bilingual education and SS08 "Language mapping of over 1,000 schools builds the capacity of the Ministry of Education staff to sustainably support implementation of bilingual instruction in Senegal" describes how talking to communities helped identify which of the local languages best serves classroom instruction.

Histoires de réussites: Senegal RELIT 2022

Ces Success Stories ont été préparées par l'équipe du projet de Renforcement de la Lecture Initiale pour Tous de l'USAID au Sénégal au cours de l'année civile 2022. SS001 : « 50 personnes-ressource du Ministère de l’Education Nationale et du partenaire d’exécution mettent en place, ensemble, les mécanismes de mise en oeuvre de RELIT». Décrit le co-lancement collaboratif et local du programme en 2022. SS002 : « A l’école élémentaire Boly Diaw de Saint Louis, le programme RELIT mobilise une communauté de parents d’élèves autour de la lecture et l’enseignement bilingue." Décrit une école qui a organisé une célébration à l'échelle de la communauté pour le lancement du programme RELIT en 2022.

Senegal RELIT project Success Stories: 2022 (ENG)

These Success Stories were prepared by the project team for the USAID Renforcement de la Lecture Initiale pour Tous program in Senegal in Calendar year 2022. SS001 : "Fifty resource persons from the MEN and the implementing partner put in place, together, the mechanisms for implementing RELIT." Describes the collaborative and locally-led co-launch of the program in 2022. SS002: "At Boly Diaw elementary school in Saint Louis, the RELIT program mobilizes a community of parents around reading and bilingual education." Describes a school that created a community-wide celebration for the launch of the RELIT program in 2022. SS003: "Innovations in the teaching of early grade reading: RELIT designs early learning materials for three new national languages" Describes the process and outputs of the first Grade 1 materials in 5 national languages that were developed in time for the new school year in Senegal. SS04: "A participatory approach to assessing the institutional capacity of Senegal’s education system" describes the approach to capacity assessment using the "Core Components" model of System Strengthening.

Summary report of the Regional Institutional Capacity Assessment Process and Results (Diourbel, Fatick, Kaffrine Kaolack, Kedougou, Louga, Matam, Saint Louis, Tambacounda)

In French, with an English Executive Summary. Senegal is embarking on an ambitious reform program with the objective of improving learning outcomes for all students by more systematically using regional mother tongues as bridges to proficient literacy in French. The Renforcement de la Lecture Initiale pour Tous (RELIT) activity made possible by the American people through USAID is supporting the National Education Ministry (MEN) in the development of the materials, pedagogy, assessments, and teacher training needed to implement the MOHEBS. The institutional capacity development elements of RELIT are by design meant to complement these other interventions. RELIT is approaching institutional capacity in terms of the knowledge and skills of actors in key positions at each level of the system, but more importantly also in terms of how those levels relate to each other and the institutional environments within which all the concerned actors operate. This relates to how their jobs are defined, how their responsibilities are assigned and resourced, and what explicit or tacit incentives or disincentives they encounter in the day-to-day fulfillment of those responsibilities. Additionally, RELIT recognized from the beginning that investments to improve institutional capacity are dependent on the engagement and willingness of the actors involved to identify their needs and, on the basis of those needs, jointly plan with RELIT the actions that will best address them. Therefore, RELIT has taken the participatory approach described below to assessing and addressing institutional capacity development needs in the education system in Senegal. This report describes the result of institutional capacity self-assessment activities in the regions involved in RELIT.