Classroom-Based Early Grade Reading Assessment— Cambodia

The purpose of this activity was to develop and pilot a CB-EGRA in the Khmer language for validation and use in Cambodia. The CB-EGRA is a paper-based assessment that can be administered with little training to a group of students at one time. It is therefore an arguably more efficient and cost-effective method of obtaining early grade reading data, compared to a traditional EGRA.

Desk Review of Uzbek Language Arts and Mathematics Student Textbooks and Teacher Guides

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program, implemented by RTI International, conducted the Teaching and Learning Material (TLM) Uptake Study to inform immediate- and medium-term revisions to the TLMs developed by both the Program and the Ministry of Preschool and School Education (MoPSE). This desk review forms part of the TLM Uptake Study. Under the desk review, we evaluated the quality of the teacher guides (TGs) and student textbooks (STBs) developed for the Uzbek Language Arts (ULA) and Mathematics courses for grades 1–4 during the piloting of these materials in schools.

Early Grade Reading (EGR) Project EGR Coaching Model

RTI International and its partner AMIDEAST supported the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) in the implementation of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/West Bank Early Grade Reading (EGR) project. The EGR program goal was to facilitate change in classroom delivery of early grade reading and writing instruction through an integrated process of instruction and assessment designed to improve student reading and writing competencies in Kindergarten (KG)–Grade 2 in the West Bank. EGR worked to equip the coaches, teachers, and principals with the tools and strategies that would enable them to provide effective reading and writing instruction that results in changing classroom delivery of early grade reading and writing instruction. The EGR coaching model outlined the support provided to teachers to implement new instructional strategies that were introduced in EGR training sessions to strengthen students’ reading and writing skills. A good coach helps teachers grow professionally and develop their skills. EGR views coaching as an interactive process that supports teachers to set goals, strengthen classroom practices, and provide encouragement to overcome challenges and celebrate successes. As an interactive process, coaching goes beyond training teachers; it involves continuously checking in with the teachers to ensure they have the support and guidance needed to be successful in the classroom. EGR’s coaching model includes classroom observations followed by delivery of descriptive feedback, teacher-to-teacher collaboration through participation in teacher learning circles, and access to a variety of online resources.

One-page Brief on Electronic Vision and Hearing Screening Applications

Peek Acuity and hearScreen® are mobile, electronic screening tools that provide data on vision and hearing impairments. The tools were designed to be administered in schools and classrooms so that teachers and schools can better accommodate visually- or hearing-impaired students to increase their opportunities of succeeding in school.