USAID/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (LARA) Early Grade Reading Assessment EGRA Briefer 003

LARA is designed to improve outcomes for children through implementation of an early grade reading program and strengthened safe and supportive school environments.

USAID/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity Early Grade Reading Assessment Results EGRA Brief 002

Has reading achievement increased as a result of the USAID/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity interventions? Cluster 1 Monitoring Follow-Up 2 End of P2 and P3: Luganda, Runyakore-Rukiga and Runyoro-Rutooro

USAID/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity Early Grade Reading Assessment Results EGRA Brief 001

Has reading achievement increased as a result of the USAID/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity interventions? Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) data collected for the three program languages as well as English at the beginning of Primary (P) 1 and Primary (P) 2 compared to follow up data at the end of P1 and P2 show increases in fundamental reading skills.

Jordan Early Grade Reading and Mathematics Initiative (RAMP) Endline Survey Report

This report presents the findings of the Jordan Early Grade Reading and Mathematics Initiative (RAMP) endline survey conducted at the end of the 2018–2019 school year (in May 2019).

2019 Regional Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA): Bahasa Sug, Chavacano, Magindanawn, and Mëranaw

This study measured students’ reading ability and gathered basic demographic information from children and teachers. Some standard context information was also gathered from children about their exposure to reading in the home. Thus, the data allow us to describe one outcome of the current schools sampled—children’s reading ability—but they do not provide any empirical measurement of the inputs that contribute to this outcome. To explain the current state of reading performance as measured by this study, we must rely on other contextual data from our concurrent Language Usage Study and general knowledge of mother-tongue-based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) implementation, as documented by policy and other studies carried out by other researchers. In the absence of direct measurement of “implementation fidelity” to a particular reading instruction program or materials, we must also rely on global evidence of how reading skills develop in alphabetic languages. To put it simply, children can learn to read, but only if they are taught to read. Teachers can only teach reading if they have been prepared to do so through training and are equipped with appropriate materials. Teachers and students must be present and making productive use of class time. The purpose of using EGRA as a system diagnostic is primarily to establish a baseline against which future progress can be measured and to identify priority areas for instructional improvement and teacher training. Cite this report: Betts, K., Punjabi, M., Pouezevara, S. & Cummiskey, C. (2019). 2019 Regional Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA): Bahasa Sug, Chavacano, Magindanawn, and Mëranaw. Prepared for USAID under the All Children Reading-Philippines Project, AID-OAA-TO- 16-00017. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI.

2019 Language Usage Study in Bahasa Sug, Chavacano, Magindanawn, and Mëranaw Mother Tongue Schools

The objective of this study was to provide insight into the relationships between the teachers’ and students’ language usage, the MTB-MLE policy implementation, and student reading outcomes, especially in areas with linguistically heterogeneous populations. It sought to examine how language usage in the classroom conforms to or diverges from the MTB-MLE policy after six years of implementation, which factors are associated with higher policy implementation, and how language usage by teachers and students relates to student learning outcomes.

Learning to Read: The Power of the 5T's

Learning to read is a critical foundational skill in the early grades. The Government of Uganda in partnership with the Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is working to improve early grade reading. This activity is implemented by RTI International, an independent, nonprofit research institute dedicated to improving the human condition.

Evaluación de Lectura Inicial en El Salvador: Infome Final

La Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) decidió financiar este estudio para proporcionar información actual al Ministerio de Educación (MINED) y al Gobierno El Salvador sobre el desempeño en lectura de los estudiantes de segundo y tercer grado a nivel nacional y, específicamente, en las escuelas ubicadas en los municipios del Plan El Salvador Seguro (PESS). PESS es un plan nacional para ayudar a 50 municipios cuyos índices de violencia y delincuencia son altos. La vinculación entre educación (tanto matricula como aprendizaje) y la violencia es una de las razones clave por la cual tanto el MINED como USAID quieren obtener más información sobre el estado de las habilidades lectoras en los grados iniciales. El MINED destacó su compromiso en mejorar la lectura cuando se inauguró el año escolar 2018 con una promesa de terminar con el analfabetismo. Para entender el desempeño en lectura de los grados iniciales, USAID solicitó a RTI que efectuara el presente estudio utilizando la Evaluación de Lectura Inicial (EGRA, por sus siglas en ingles), un instrumento adaptado y validado en más que 70 países. EGRA mide las habilidades básicas para poder leer con fluidez y con comprensión, que es el objetivo final de la lectura.

USAID Uganda School Health and Reading Program EGRA results Cluster 1 End of Primary 5, Cluster 2 End of Primary 4, Cluster 3 End of Primary 3

To measure the impact of SHRP on reading achievement, EGRA data were collected at the beginning of Primary 1 (P1) and then at the end of every school year through Primary 3, 4 or 5 depending on when the local language entered the program. Though there was little difference in local language cwpm at the end of P1, differences started to emerge at the end of P2 and by the end of P3, significant positive differences were found in 10 of the 12 languages.

USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program Follow up 3 End of Primary 3: Lebacoli, Lugbarati, Lumasaba, and Runyoro-Rutoro and English

Has reading achievement increased as a result of the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program? Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) data collected for Cluster 2 at the end of P3 suggests improved progress towards reading proficiency in all 4 program languages. In all C2 languages, more learners in program schools are reading more words than learners in control schools in both English and Local Language.
