Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) National Baseline Assessment in Mali

This report shares the findings from a study of early grade reading skills and classroom practices in Mali which was conducted in three regions of Mali (Koulikoro, Sikasso and Ségou) in May 2015 at the end of the school year. Children in Grade 2 in classique and curriculum schools were assessed in letter-sound identification, individual word and short story reading, and reading comprehension. Children in medersas were assessed in basic oral French vocabulary knowledge. One class was selected for classroom observation in each of the sampled schools in order to help better understand prevailing teaching practice in the sampled schools.

Liberia Teacher Training Program Endline Assessment of the Impact of Early Grade Reading and Mathematics Interventions

This report addresses the main research question: In Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 schools, were the pupils who participated in the United States Agency for International Development’s Liberia Teacher Training Program (LTTP) Phase II (LTTP II) reading and mathematics interventions now achieving better results?

Using the EGRA Calculator for Study Design and Budget Estimates

This presentation was prepared and presented at the USAID workshop/webinar “Release of the EGRA Toolkit, Second Edition: Updated Guidance and Tools for Conducting Early Grade Reading Assessments,” Bethesda, Maryland, April 27, 2016. It discusses the design and intended use of the EGRA Calculator.

La lecture au Mali. Resultats de l’etude EGRA 2009. [Video]

This video was created by a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation in order to disseminate results of the early grade reading assessment (EGRA), raise awareness of the importance of reading, and mobilize communities.

La lecture au Senegal: Resultats de l’etude EGRA (2009) [Video]

This video was created under a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation by a local Senegalese production company in order to raise awareness of the importance of reading and mobilize communities to take action.

Rapport d'Analyse: Evaluation des Compétences Fondamentales en Lecture au Sénégal

This report describes the results of an early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) conducted in Senegal in two languages: French and Wolof. The research was supported by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and included teacher interviews and classroom observations that captured the language of instruction being used in the classroom in order to explain the context of the findings.

User Guide for the EGRA Calculator

This user guide accompanies the Excel-based EGRA Calculator to offer tips and suggestions for each step in the calculator to help the user enter appropriate and accurate information.

EGRA Calculator

The EGRA Calculator is an Excel-based estimation tool that can produce an approximate budget reflecting the costs commonly associated with implementing an EGRA. The tool itself contains step-by-step instructions plus descriptions to guide the user to insert or adjust the parameters. Tips and suggestions for each step are also provided in an accompanying User Guide.

National Early Grade Literacy and Numeracy Survey Jordan: Intervention Impact Analysis Report in Arabic

This report, translated in Arabic, discusses the impact and results of the pilot intervention that was implemented during the 2013-2014 school year across 43 schools reaching more than 400 teachers and approximately 12,000 students in Jordan.

National Early Grade Literacy and Numeracy Survey - Jordan: Intervention Impact Analysis Report

This report discusses the impact and results of the pilot intervention that was implemented during the 2013-2014 school year across 43 schools reaching more than 400 teachers and approximately 12,000 students in Jordan.
