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Bahan Rujukan bagi LPTK II: Praktik yang Baik dalam Pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (SD/MI)

July, 2014
Modul ini berisi Bahan Referensi untuk LPTK II: Praktik yang Baik dalam Pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar / Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (SD / MI). Meliputi Ulasan Penerapan Hasil Pelatihan I - Learning •...

Bahan Rujukan bagi LPTK II: Praktik yang Baik dalam Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah di SD/MI dan SMP/MTs

July, 2014
Bahan Rujukan bagi LPTK: Praktik yang Baik dalam Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah di SMP/MTs ini memperkuat implementasi MBS yang diadaptasi dari Modul II yang disesuaikan untuk digunakan dalam...

Assessment for Results: Early Grade Reading Assessments for Learning Improvement

June, 2014
In classrooms, teachers use a variety of assessments. Formative and summative assessments provide them information on the effectiveness of the instruction they are providing during and after a...

Jordan Remedial Study: Mathematics Teachers' Guide

June, 2014
In 2013–14, in response to the success of a reading and mathematics intervention, the Ministry of Education in Jordan developed and piloted a remedial program to provide differentiated (focused)...

Jordan Remedial Study: Mathematics Teachers' Guide (Arabic)

June, 2014
In 2013–14, in response to the success of a reading and math intervention, the Ministry of Education in Jordan developed and piloted a remedial program to provide differentiated (focused) support...

Jordan Remedial Study: Reading Teachers' Guide

June, 2014
In 2013–14, in response to the success of a reading and mathematics intervention, the Ministry of Education in Jordan developed and piloted a remedial program to provide differentiated (focused)...

Jordan Remedial Study: Reading Diagnostic Assessment Tool and Stimulus Sheet

June, 2014
In 2013–14, in response to the success of a reading and mathematics intervention, the Ministry of Education in Jordan developed and piloted a remedial program to provide differentiated (focused)...

Jordan Remedial Study: Mathematics Diagnostic Assessment Tool and Stimulus Sheet

June, 2014
In 2013–14, in response to the success of a reading and mathematics intervention, the Ministry of Education in Jordan developed and piloted a remedial program to provide differentiated (focused)...

Buku Sumber untuk Dosen LPTK: Pembelajaran Literasi di Kelas Awal di LPTK

June, 2014
Buku ini merupakan buku sumber yang memberikan konsep, ide dan contoh praktis dalam pembelajaran literasi di kelas awal dan kegiatan literasi terutama di kelas awal. Isi Buku Sumber untuk Dosen...

Teacher Professional Development and Support Systems: An Analys is of Seven Language Areas in Ethiopia (A READ TA Baseline Assessment Report)

April, 2014
Beginning in Spring 2013, MOE, in collaboration with READ TA, began the process of developing new reading curriculum and materials for MT reading in grades 1-8 by first reviewing and validating...
