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Using the EGR Barometer to support benchmark and target setting for reading outcomes (CIES 2019 Presentation)

April, 2019
The Barometer offers a dynamic tool for interactive use of data on early grade reading outcomes. The ability to look at how the data are impacted by different parameters, like the level at which a...

Producing Quality Learning at Scale: How well does the pre-primary education system in Tanzania deliver? [CIES 2019 Presentation]

April, 2019
The Government of Tanzania is in the process of implementing a policy of one year of free and compulsory pre-primary education for all children. The policy pronouncement was made within the...

Effective pedagogy in cultural context: Preaching to the introverted [CIES 2019 Presentation]

April, 2019
Several forces are at play in determining whether pedagogical approaches are optimally adapted to the culture of children’s behaviour and of teacher-child interaction in the classroom. Teachers’...

A rational approach to evidence-based decision making in education [CIES 2019 Presentation]

April, 2019
There is growing demand for policy based on rigorous evidence. Many consider the strongest evidence to come from studies that identify causality with high internal validity - such as RCTs - and...

Setting Reading Benchmarks - Evidence from India [CIES 2019 Presentation]

April, 2019
This presentation is based on an activity that was designed to apply lessons learned and best practices from the recent EGRA Benchmarks and Standards Research Report (RTI International, 2018) to a...

Testing Two Approaches to Engaging Pre-Primary Parents in Kenya [CIES 2019 Presentation]

April, 2019
The Tayari Program – Getting Children Ready for School is a Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) funded early education program in Kenya with a goal to increase school readiness skills of...

Scaling up Early Grade Reading in Uganda [CIES 2019 Presentations]

April, 2019
This panel shared presentations from Uganda government officials and development partners which are collaboratively engaged in the efforts to improve and assess EGR in Uganda’s primary schools....

A national study of over-enrollment and repetition in Primary 1 grade in Uganda: What's the role of pre-primary [CIES 2019 Presentation]

April, 2019
In an optimally efficient education system, all children enroll and complete the primary cycle in a one year to one grade ratio, acquiring basic reading, math and critical thinking skills along...

CIES 2019 Presentation: An examination of executive function skills in primary 1 students from Liberia

April, 2019
Executive functions are a cognitive skill set that underlie our goal-directed, planning, and problem solving behavior, and include the components of working memory, inhibitory control, and...

China Country Report: Scaling Access and Impact - Realizing the Power of EdTech

March, 2019
This series of reports was produced by Omidyar Network’s Education initiative, whose mission is to unlock human potential through learning by catalyzing people, ideas, and systems – so every...
