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Manual para la evaluación inicial de la lectura en niños de educación primaria (EGRA Toolkit in Spanish)

November, 2011
Este manual es el producto de una colaboración en curso entre una gran comunidad de académicos, profesionales, funcionarios gubernamentales y profesionales del desarrollo educativo, para promover...

Reading Skills and Gender: An Analysis

October, 2011
A brief summary of EGRA results across countries (through 2011) highlighting differences in achievement by gender.

Information for Education Policy, Planning, and Management: Summary of the Data Capacity Assessments Conducted in the Philippines, Ghana, and Mozambique

September, 2011
Synthesis of three data capacity assessments (Ghana, Mozambique, Philippines) that aimed to both to evaluate the countries’ data systems and to determine how well each country’s own data systems...

Improving Learning Outcomes through Mother Tongue-Based Education

August, 2011
This four-page brief provides an overview of the learning and other advantages of providing educational instruction in mother tongue, or familiar, languages. The brief also contains information on...

Gap Analysis: Education Information and Education Policy and Planning in Mozambique Final Report

June, 2011
The purpose of this paper is to assess Mozambique’s education data and information systems’ ability to help formulate education sector plans and policies. Emphasis is put on existing policy over...

Informe de Resultados: EGMA Nicaragua

June, 2011
This is the report of a World Bank-financed Early Grade Mathematics Assessment, conducted in the Pacific region of Nicaragua from February-June 2011. The sample included 11 teachers, 33 school...

Early Reading: Igniting Education for All. A report by the Early Grade Learning Community of Practice

May, 2011
Learning to read is a fundamental part of the first few years of primary education for early and sustained success in school. Yet, in many developing countries, a distressing number of students...

La lecture au Senegal: Resultats de l’etude EGRA (2009) [Video]

June, 2010
This video was created under a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation by a local Senegalese production company in order to raise awareness of the importance of reading and mobilize...

La lecture au Mali. Resultats de l’etude EGRA 2009. [Video]

June, 2010
This video was created by a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation in order to disseminate results of the early grade reading assessment (EGRA), raise awareness of the importance of...

Early Grade(s) Reading Assessments: Evolution and Implementation to date

April, 2010
Evolution, coverage, Results, Challenges and opportunities of early grade reading assessments (EGRA).
