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Read Liberia: Teacher Instruction Guide Grade 1 Volume 2 Part 3

September, 2020
Read Liberia Teacher Instruction Guide Grade 1 Volume 2 Part 3

Read Liberia: Teacher Instruction Guide Grade 2 Volume 1 Part 1

September, 2020
Liberia Read Teacher Instruction Guide Grade 2 Volume 1 Part 1

Read Liberia: Teacher Instruction Guide, Grade 2 Volume 1 Part 2

September, 2020
Read Liberia Teacher Instruction Guide Grade 2 Volume 1 Part 2

Read Liberia: Teacher Instruction Guide, Grade 2 Volume 1 Part 3

September, 2020
Liberia Read Teacher Instruction Guide Grade 2 Volume 1 Part 3

Read Liberia: Teacher Instruction Guide, Grade 2 Volume 2 Part 1

September, 2020
Read Liberia Teacher Instruction Guide Grade 2 Volume 2 Part 1

Read Liberia: Teacher Instruction Guide, Grade 2 Volume 2 Part 2

September, 2020
Read Liberia Teacher Instruction Guide Grade 2 Volume 2 Part 2

Read Liberia: Teacher Instruction Guide, Grade 2 Volume 2 Part 3

September, 2020
Teacher Instruction Guide Grade 2 Volume 2 Part 3

Uganda LARA: Psychosocial Support training facilitators' guide

September, 2020
In March 2020, the government of Uganda closed all schools and other educational institutions to mitigate the wide spread of COVID-19. This exposed significant risk especially to rural areas where...

Teacher’s Guide for Remote Learning During School Closures and Beyond (Filipino)

August, 2020
Over 91% of the total student population worldwide has been affected due to school closures caused by COVID-19, according to UNESCO. How can the system ensure education of the country that every...

Uganda/LARA: EGR Action Research Tools

August, 2020
LARA developed action research tools to measure the level of fidelity of implementation of the EGR methods and generate lessons learned to inform adaptations in EGR programming. The action...
