Status of Instruction Study : Phase 2 briefer (UEEP)
The Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program (the Program) is funded by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) and implemented by the Ministry of Public Education (MoPE) in partnership with the
RTI International Consortium, including Florida State University and Mississippi State University.
Between May and October 2021, the Program conducted the Status of Instruction Study—Phase 2 (SIS2) to answer
the following research questions:
-- What resources do teachers use, and how much time do they
invest in lesson planning?
-- What resources are available at the school and in the classroom to
support instruction in the subject areas under study?
-- What instructional techniques are commonly used by Uzbek teachers
for questioning, student engagement, student grouping, and student
formative assessment and performance feedback?
-- Do teachers engage in school-based community of practice activities?
What opportunities and support are currently available to teachers