ICT and EFL Teacher Guide Uptake Study - Uzbekistan UEEP

The Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program (the Program), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), designed the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teacher Guide Uptake Study (TGUS) to determine teachers’ uptake of new teacher guides (TGs), teachers’ application of student-centered strategies, and the appropriateness of the design of the TGs themselves. The Program used the results and ensuing recommendations to inform the development and finalization of its teacher professional development efforts and TGs, respectively.

EGRA-EGMA Baseline Briefer (Uzbekistan UEEP)

The Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program(the Program) is a 4-year program (December 9, 2019–December 8, 2023) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the RTI International Consortium1 in collaboration with the Uzbekistan Ministry of Public Education. The Program conducted baseline Early Grade Reading and Mathematics Assessments (EGRA and EGMA, respectively) in November and December 2021. The purpose of the baseline was to measure the pre-intervention levels of mathematics and Uzbek language reading achievement for students at the end of grade 2 and grade 4. The baseline was originally planned to assess students completing grades 2 and 4 at the end of the 2019–2020 school year in May 2020. However, the baseline was postponed to the beginning of the following school year—November–December 2021—because of COVID-19, and grades 3 and 5 students were assessed as proxies for students completing grades 2 and 4, respectively.

Teacher Standards - Curriculum Product Brief

Teacher Standards Curriculum Product Brief

Teacher Guide - Curriculum Product Brief

Teacher Guide -Curriculum Product Brief

Student Textbook -Curriculum Product Brief

Student Textbook -Curriculum Product Brief

Student Learning Standards Curriculum Product Brief

Student Learning Standards Curriculum Product Brief

Scope and Sequence Curriculum Product Brief

Scope and Sequence Curriculum Product Brief

Fostering a Love of Reading Early

This guide is designed to provide teachers and parents with strategies to strengthen their teaching of children’s literature. By incorporating children’s books into your teaching and interaction with learners, you can engage them, foster a love for reading, and promote critical thinking and literacy skills. In this guide, you will find a variety of strategies and ideas to support your teaching of children’s literature and reading to children, including social and emotional learning (SEL), universal design for learning (UDL), teaching reading comprehension, text processing strategies, and vocabulary development. The guide is organized into three sections.


This report presents the findings of a survey conducted as part of the Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program. The survey aimed to assess the adoption and use of new English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning materials (Grades 1-11) in public schools throughout Uzbekistan during the 2022-2023 academic year. The evaluation focused on the implementation and adoption of the Cambridge series Guess What! and Prepare, as well as their impact on student learning, as perceived by teachers. An approach, involving qualitative and quantitative data analysis, was employed.

Teacher Professional Development Effectiveness Study - Briefer

The Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program (the Program), funded by the United States Agency for International Development, designed the teacher professional development (TPD) effectiveness study to assess the effectiveness of the Program’s TPD approach in terms of teachers’ satisfaction of learning events, their acquisition of knowledge and skills, their shift in self-efficacy, possible changes in teacher beliefs about new teaching approaches, and to what extent teachers received the necessary support at the administrative and school levels. The Program also used quality assurance data derived from the study to minimize dilution effects of the cascade approach and to inform and adapt the ongoing TPD activities as needed.
