All Children Reading–Asia (ACR-Asia): USAID Systems Strengthening Review

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Systems Strengthening Review set out to understand how a portfolio of 20 USAID-funded Activities to improve learning outcomes for students, implemented over the past decade across 11 countries in Asia, have helped to strengthen education systems in their respective countries. Specifically, the review sought to answer four key research questions: • What did the Activities set out to do? • What have the Activities accomplished? • What were the conditions for success? • What are the main learnings for future USAID Activities? To conceptualize and categorize the different facets of “systems strengthening” consistently, the review team created an Analysis Framework, which defines a strong system as one that is capable of 1. setting clear goals and reform strategies to achieve them; 2. driving delivery of these goals by effectively using data, routines, and the power of relationships; and 3. creating an improvement culture by building capacity, using education technology, and promoting equity and inclusion. The review gathered evidence from three key data sources: a desk review, an online survey, and 37 key informant interviews. These sources were supplemented by deep-dive case studies for selected Activities in three countries (Cambodia, Nepal, and the Philippines).