Review of Disability-Inclusive Education in USAID Asia Education Programming

The purpose of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Asia All Children Reading (ACR) Inclusive Education Review is to examine disability-inclusive basic education programming,1 specifically focused on early grade reading, implemented and coordinated by USAID Missions in the Asia region to identify any gaps or potential incentives to improve the education sector’s response to disability inclusion. Specifically, this review looks at USAID Asia early grade education activities that are either ongoing or recently completed (since 2015). This report presents findings from both a desk review (consisting of a review of activity documentation and surveys of USAID Missions and ongoing activities) of 26 basic education activities across 11 countries in Asia and three case studies conducted in Tajikistan, the Philippines, and Bangladesh. The primary objective of the case studies was to gain a better understanding of the collaboration on disability-inclusive education between USAID Missions, host governments, implementing partners, and other educational stakeholders within each country. Furthermore, the case studies provided an opportunity to explore how past basic education activities and education systems within each country have influenced the development and implementation of new basic education activities as they relate to disability inclusion.

Assessment as a service not a place: Transitioning assessment centers to school-based identification systems

This guide addresses the lack of appropriate, useful disability screening and identification systems and services as countries look to educate all students in inclusive settings. Specifically, this guide introduces viable options for screening and identification related to vision, hearing, and learning disabilities in inclusive classrooms in LMICs. It also provides guidance on how LMICs can transition from an assessment-center model toward a school-based identification model that better serves an inclusive education system.

Anne Hayes Presentation on Vision and Hearing Screening in Low and Middle Income Countries

Presentation by Anne Hayes, Inclusive Education Expert and Consultant, Former Disability and Gender Specialist at USAID. Delivered at the RTI Panel Discussion "Vision and Hearing Screening in LMICs: Challenges and Opportunities" held Wed, September 26, 2018 in Washington, D.C. For related resources, see also the Topic "Assessments" using the menu above.

Learning Disabilities Screening and Evaluation Guide for Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Learning disabilities are among the most common disabilities experienced in childhood and adulthood. Although identifying learning disabilities in a school setting is a complex process, it is particularly challenging in low- and middle-income countries that lack the appropriate resources, tools, and supports. This guide provides an introduction to learning disabilities and describes the processes and practices that are necessary for the identification process. It also describes a phased approach that countries can use to assess their current screening and evaluation services, as well as determine the steps needed to develop, strengthen, and build systems that support students with learning disabilities. This guide also provides intervention recommendations that teachers and school administrators can implement at each phase of system development. Although this guide primarily addresses learning disabilities, the practices, processes, and systems described may be also used to improve the identification of other disabilities commonly encountered in schools.