School-based technology and the shift to remote learning during COVID-19: Exploring remote learning readiness of school districts in the Philippines

This research dives into the results of a 2019 survey of district ICT coordinators, school ICT coordinators and teachers in the Philippines, which collected information on the use of ICT in schools before the pandemic and school closures. The authors ask the questions: “How might the investment in school-based technology have prepared teachers to transition to various forms of remote, home-based teaching and learning?”, and “If experience with ICT in schools is assumed to be an asset in transitioning to remote learning, how many school districts in the Philippines were well-positioned when COVID-19 school closures hit.” Grounded in literature on remote learning readiness, the study authors selected questions from the original survey that could be considered assets in the rapid pivot to remote learning (e.g., skills, resources, policies, and plans).